Tick Tock

Saturday, February 16, 2008


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10 Ffasst Facts about Lent!

10 things which you thought you knew...but you actually didn't...(either that or which I thought I knew...but I didn't...;p)

1. There are three instructions mentioned by the communion ministers when they place the cross-sign on the forehead on Ash Wednesday :
i) Remember that you are dust, and unto dust you shall return.
ii) Turn away from sin and be faithful to the gospel.
iii) Repent, and hear the good news.

2. Ashes for Ash Wednesday are traditionally prepared by burning the palm fronds of the previous year's Palm Sunday celebration.

3. Easter has no fixed date as it follows the Lunar calender. Easter falls on the 1st spring full moon of the Lunar calender.

4. The word Lent comes from the Old English word, "lencten" which means spring, or the lengthening days after winter is over. Lent happens during spring.

5. Sundays are not counted in the 40 days of Lent. This is because Sundays are considered days of obligatory to go to church.

6. All Roman Catholics between the ages of 18 to 59 are supposed to fast and abstain on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday.

7. All Roman Catholics above the age of 14 are required to abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, and Fridays during Lent.

8. Fast is not the same meaning as puasa. In our Catholic church, fast means having one full-portion of breakfast, and half-portions of lunch and dinner respectively. Puasa is fasting throughout the day and not able to drink any liquid.

9. The Gloria is not sung during mass celebrations starting from Ash Wednesday and all throughout Lent season.

10. St. Francis of Assisi developed the concept of the stations of the cross!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Bunnies and eggs...

Heya everyone!
Hmmm....someone asked what we're up to during this Lent period leading to Easter in our cbox.

Well, good news everyone,
we have loads installed during this Lent period!

First up, meeting this coming week.

Day : Wednesday
Date : 13th of February 2007
Time : 12pm to 2pm
Place : C308
Theme : Lent

We're having an interactive session about Lent this coming meeting.
So, come join us as we prepare for Good Friday and Easter!