Tick Tock

Monday, May 17, 2010

a moment to ponder....

Another week is here, and the struggle continues.
You know friends, sometimes the challenges of life seem very overwhelming and we feel we cannot just make it.
With Jesus I say,
"The devil is a liar and the father of lies" (Jn 8:44).
You were created for success and for happiness.
So, you shall fulfill your destiny, and the difficulties you face in life-race will not stop you.
When the waves of challenges rise to swallow you up -
in your study, family, work, relationships or whatever it may be,
proclaim with St Paul, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" (Phil4:13);
do the best you can, and hold on to Christ in faith.
One thing you have to always remember is that without challenges,
there would be no great achievement.
So, take your stand for victory as you begin the week,
and tell that problem to better give way for you shall reach your destination.
I pray for God's peace on you. It is well. See you next week.