Tick Tock

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The past month..

They say a picture paints a thousand words. Well, we have quite a few pictures from all of our activities the past month! =)

First up was a movie session on the Miracles of Jesus. This gathering, which was a last-minute substitution for our Campus Mass (we couldn't manage to get a priest since most of them were away or had prior commitments) .

Intensely watching the movie

The movie (or shall i call it documentary?) basically examined three miracles of Jesus - the multiplication of loaves and fishes, the walking on water, and the resurection of the widow's son - and attempted to replicate these miracles using modern day technology, to see if these happenings really were miracles or not!

The rest of the documentary showed the process of how these miracles were attempted to be re-enacted using modern day technology, and how all of them failed! This thus goes to show that miracles really are what they are - miracles, and that modern-day science cannot explain or justify what we believe in faith. =)

Ooo, a point to note: the whole documentary was done by a team of Christians! This was the main point which led to a debate on whether the documentary was biased or not. Opinions were raised as to whether they would have been more particular in trying to prove the miracles wrong or otherwise.

What do you think?

The following week was a talk on Miracles (yup, a follow-up) by a guest speaker, Mr Paul Sebastian from the church of St Joseph, Sentul.

Mr Paul gave us a living testimony about his life and how he had been touched by God in various ways through miracles, and how he himself had witnessed miracles occuring to himself, his family, and others around him. He also explained to us how to distinguish a miracle from one which is done by black magic, bomohs, or paranormalists.

being presented with a token of appreciation from css ucsi

during the Q & A session, it was revealed that our CSS member Steven had met Mr Paul over 15 years ago when Steven was a small boy - and had pulled his hair! the world is small indeed =)

thats not all we did this month! stay tuned for the next update - where we had our first ever Sporty Session!

Oo, and a very SELAMAT HARI RAYA to all our Muslim friends!
